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EU Health Coalition

EHTEL joined the EU Health Coalition in November 2023: a multi-stakeholder initiative representing 50 organisations from across the healthcare sector and focusing on the common ground, in order to provide European policymakers with actionable insights at a time of change, challenges and innovation in Europe.

As a result, the EU will be able to lead in health policymaking, research, data in health and digital health. The coalition has now launched a Call to Action aimed at putting the health of populations high on today's political agenda - accompanied by concrete actions.

Background to the Coalition

The EU Health Coalition promotes a shared vision of health in Europe, based on jointly developed recommendations. The Coalition has two purposes: to ensure that health remains high on the political agenda amid the geopolitical, economic and energy crises unfolding in Europe, and to champion the changes required to address the unprecedented challenges that are posed to healthcare systems and citizens. 

The Coalition is composed of many different types of stakeholders who all share a common vision.  They include: patient organisations, EU research-oriented medical societies, industry organisations, healthcare providers, regional and local health authorities and other relevant stakeholders.

Considering the challenges ahead for health, and the window of opportunity ahead of the next EU elections in June 2024, this collective work together is needed more than ever.

On the heels of the most severe pandemic in a century, European citizens and healthcare systems are now facing a perfect storm - composed of expanding ageing populations, growing prevalence of chronic diseases, and geopolitical and energy crises. Positively, however, people are also living in a new era of innovation and rapidly advancing science that, from genomics to data analytics, is pushing the boundaries for better health.

The EU Health Coalition therefore encourages everyone to act now!

Act now

The Call to Action

In this context, in January 2024, the EU Health Coalition launched a statement aimed at putting the health of populations on the wider political agenda.

The Coalition asks for health and life sciences to be recognised as a third strategic pillar for the future of  Europe. Because both Europeans’ health and wellbeing, and the continent’s ability to stay at the forefront of science and research are stake, it is vital to unlock a healthier future. 

The Coalition would like to remind governments and policy makers that spending on health is not primarily a cost in the annual budget, but an investment in the future. In its Call to Action, the Coalition highlights key actions in four areas.

To conclude, the EU Health Coalition is encouraging the health ministers of OECD countries to make a clear statement on the need to continue to invest in health systems, when they meet in Paris, France on 23 January 2023. The Coalition would like to see such a statement be translated into concrete action at the international, national and regional levels in collaboration with all stakeholders.

  •  Prevention and early detection of disease such as cancer or diabetes means more people staying healthy for longer: those who do fall ill receive care when the disease is easier to treat, avoiding complications and disease progression that not only result in ill health and premature death, but also in higher costs for the health and social care systems.
  • Access to and use of health data, diagnostics and digital tools can lead to more efficient and personalised care, support healthcare professionals in their work and enable patients to more effectively manage their own health.
  • Advanced therapies provide the opportunity to transform and potentially cure rare and genetic diseases, saving lives or replacing life-long intervention that is burdensome for both patients and healthcare professionals.
  • People living with chronic disease who are enabled to manage their health through effective interventions and tailored coordinated care programs can continue to be part of the workforce and contribute to society.


Download and read the EU Health Coalition statement on its Call to Action ⤵️

Know more about the Coalition from its official website.

There, you can also see its "Our manifesto for a healthier Europe". 


  • 17/01/2024

    Investing in Health – A Call to Action from the EU Health Coalition

    EHTEL joined the EU Health Coalition in November 2023: a multi-stakeholder initiative representing 50 organisations from across the healthcare sector and focusing on the common ground, in order to provide European policymakers with actionable insights at a time of change, challenges and innovation in Europe.

    Read more


  • Investing in Health – A Call to Action 17 January 2024 EU Health Coalition PDF*