Peer Reviews
The deployment of new services and infrastructures in complex health environments involves challenges. EHTEL´s external experts can review your approach and compare it with other models adopted by similar European eHealth initiatives.

EHTELconnect Peer Reviews draw on EHTEL´s expertise to provide an intense, professional, and independent assessment of your plans and projects in the deployment of innovative digital healthcare.
During a peer review, you introduce your strategies and plans to an assessment team composed of experts with a proven track record around the issues and plans under review. The assessment team members are selected with you, according to the nature of your innovation and your site´s specific needs.
Peer reviews offer you the opportunity to:
- Identify hidden opportunities and possible pitfalls in the implementation of digital health-based technologies
- Learn about best practices and experiences from other stakeholders in the same field
- Receive advice and guidance from organisations and individuals with a proven track record in the deployment of digital health solutions
- Be confident that your approach is resilient and sustainable
On separate occasions, EHTEL was able to offer in-depth peer reviews of the status of e-Health in Sweden and Finland. You can find the resulting reports as downloadable resources at the bottom of this page.
“In Finland, policy makers needed to have a trusted review of our eHealth achievements and our chosen strategic approach. As a result, we decided to take advantage of the EHTEL Peer Review service. The exercise proved to be a real success and very valuable to us. The international reviewers came from all over Europe. In their home countries, they all are well-known and active in the fields of eHealth policy, health care administration, standardisation organisations, and hospital management. The Review was carefully structured. The assessors spent two full days with us. We presented our work as well as our plans to them - by focusing on Finland´s national information system services, our chosen strategies, and our implementation. The reviewers questioned and analysed our activities in a detailed but friendly way. Their final report was very detailed and clear. It offered us positive recommendations regarding possible changes, additions, and improvements to our planned work.
The review gave us the opportunity to reflect on our work to date. It meant we could be positive about our investments. We could also move forward with confidence as a country with our eHealth work. As a next step from the lessons learned during the review, the Ministry initiated a national process to upgrade our eHealth strategy. The new strategy was published in January 2015.”
Päivi Hämäläinen, National Institute for Health and Welfare (Finland).
For more information on our services contact us at:
Tel: +32 2 230 1534
Fax: +32 2 230 8440
EHTEL, Avenue de Tervueren 168, Box 2 - B-1150 Brussels, Belgium