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EU-Funded Projects

A wide range of research programmes are on offer under Horizon Europe, Digital Europe, and other European programmes. EHTEL is keen to see its members become successful contributors to European-wide projects and initiatives. Many consortia are preparing project proposals each year.

EHTEL, which is a member-based organisation, focuses its work on digital health. Three-quarters (75%) of its members have a solid track record in working in or leading European and international projects. Each EHTEL member in a project consortium brings its own skills, expertise, and knowledge from a range of very different stakeholder fields.


Matteo Melideo of Engineering explains his digital health ideas to colleagues

A non-exhaustive list follows of the kinds of topics covered by project consortia that have EHTEL members in them. They focus chiefly on digital health policy concepts emerging from the European Union and Member States, relevant to each project. Specific topics include the European Health Data Space, active and healthy living, digital technology, interoperability, governance. Current example projects include: xShare and COMFORTage.

EHTEL’s skills and expertise

Besides the EHTEL team and the EHTEL network’s own in-depth knowledge on specialist policy and technological topics, contributors also bring their own skills to collaboration on proposal-writing. Chief among these skills are:

  • Stakeholder engagement – which makes applied use of EHTEL’s wide-ranging member network in many different fields of activity.
  • Facilitation of synergies – which activates concrete collaboration with other initiatives and projects.
  • Exploitation – which is about the concrete use of project results for scientific, societal, and economic purposes.
  • Communication – which focuses largely on the project itself, once successful.
  • Dissemination – which centres on the eventual project’s results, their use and uptake.

Each of these five areas of work needs to use different tools, and speaks to a diversity of audiences/readerships.

What EHTEL can offer to project consortia in preparation

EHTEL can help you to:

  • Write and prepare your first dissemination plan.
  • Stage/phase your communication and dissemination activities throughout the course of your project.
  • Identify your key performance indicators for all aspects of your website, social media, events, and communication campaigns, and achieve great scores.
  • Focus on the exploitation of your eventual project’s results.
  • Apply and use a wide range of methodologies, tools and techniques.
  • Position the proposed project and its expected results in the overall digital health policy and implementation landscape.

More specifically:

Every day in every way, EHTEL seeks to involve all project consortium partners in project communication and dissemination, as well as stakeholder and collaboration, activities.

Communication campaigns are always supported by the EHTEL multistakeholder network of digital health experts. Today, EHTEL reaches 6,000+ individuals from everywhere in Europe and beyond – they belong to an immense range of stakeholder groups.

It gets stakeholder groups involved in projects, by getting them represented in many different meetings, groups, presentations, webinars, workshops, and conferences. Many of these activities being together groupings of projects that complement each other’s work.

On exploitation, EHTEL’s dedicated team concentrates on helping consortia to identify how to sustain, and especially exploit, project results in both the short-term and longer-term. Several of the projects with which it has been involved have experienced considerable success in these fields. Among these successes: Momentum – recognised for its work by the EU Innovation Radar, SCIROCCO and SCIROCCO Exchange, and OPEN DEI and InteropEHRate for their White Papers and policy papers. 

EHTEL’s matchmaking for project consortia

Twice a year, EHTEL touches base with all its members and conducts a poll to check on members’ primary interests and the kinds of project consortia that you want to get involved in.

EHTEL can help consortia to find missing partners for your proposed projects. EHTEL is often approached with ideas for proposal submissions. As a result, we are always keen to have these slots filled by knowledgeable EHTEL members.

Consortium experiences

As Matteo Melideo from Engineering, a participant in several successful EHTEL-supported projects announces,

Working with EHTEL from the early days of proposal-writing helped us position well our work on communication, dissemination, and exploitation. Taking InteropEHRate as a good example, this experience has developed soundly for us throughout the duration of the whole project. InteropEHRate project partners have had good coverage in the press and media about their activities, and have experienced great stakeholder involvement. We are now eagerly looking forward to the eventual exploitation of InteropEHRate’s results. The door has opened for us to come into contact with a wide variety of digital health stakeholders, all highly motivated to scale-up digital health throughout Europe.”

Matteo Melideo, Head of IT Systems for Health Research, Engineering Ingegneria Informatics SpA, Italy – InteropEHRate project leader.


  • Research and Innovation in the field of ICT for Health, Wellbeing & Ageing Well: an overview 26 September 2019 PDF*

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