ELO Network Virtual Meeting
Virtual meeting
Inspired by the content of its 20th Anniversary 2019, EHTEL is getting going on its Imagining 2029 work programme. With a series of webinars and workshops – hosted by its working groups – EHTEL invites the digital health community to reflect jointly on accelerating digital transformation – acknowledging the opportunities and challenges raised by the current COVID-19 crisis. This webinar is part of the ELO Network agenda for 2020: Getting ready for European Health Data Space(s) |
Virtual Meeting Focus
Leverage the value of Big Data and Artificial Intelligence by overcoming barriers to data reuse
- European Policies and governance principles for data re-use
- Interoperability frameworks for data and consent: EHRxF, Int. Patient Summary IPS, FHIR, IHE (APPC) …
- Lessons learned on health data re-use by national and regional eHealth competence centers
Virtual Meeting Agenda
11:00 – 11:05 | Welcome and Introduction to the second EHTEL ELO Virtual Meeting
Andreas Grode, ELO Co-Chair, gematik eHealth Competence Centre, Germany
Vesa Jormanainen, ELO Co-Chair, THL, Institute for Health and Welfare, Finland
11:05 – 11:10 | Setting the Scene – Lessons from 1st ELO webinar – European Strategy on data
Stephan Schug, EHTEL
Keywords: Eur. Commission Objectives, Architectures & hubs, Survey results, contribution EC Consultation
11:10 – 11:30 | EU eHealth Network proceedings for governance principles for re-use of health data
Istvan Czismadia, AEEK Hungary and Marton Kis, Semmelweis University, Budapest (both: WP5, eHAction project)
Q & A
11:30 – 11:50 | InteropEHRate approach to patient-centric data sharing and enabling data altruism
Alessio Graziani, Francesco Torelli, Engineering, Italy: IEHR Approach and open sharing protocols
Stefano Dalmiani, FTGM, Pisa, Italy: IEHR Scenarios and data re-use for research
11:50 – 12:00 Flashlight contributions on enabling “European consent in support of the EHDS”
a) Concept of “broad consent” (Medical Informatics Initiative, Germany)
Stephan Schug, EHTEL
b) Public & private initiatives for operationalising decentralised data spaces
Luc Nicolas, EHTEL
12:00 – 12:25 Q&A and Interactive Round Table for Webinar Audience
Facilitator: Prof. Henrique Martins, Digital Health Systems, Portugal
1. Purposes (public health, research, AI) and willingness for data altruism
2. How to organise the re-use of data?
3. When to provide data lakes and when to enable algorithms travelling to the data?
4. How to operationalise GDPR compliant patient consent fit for data re-use?
12:25 – 12:30 Conclusions and Next Steps
Andreas Grode, ELO Co-Chair, gematik eHealth Competence Centre, Germany
Vesa Jormanainen, ELO Co-Chair, THL, Institute for Health and Welfare, Finland
Are you interested in participating as a guest?
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